Sandhurst Nursery School CIO

Fees & Sessions

Accessible Childcare

We find children enjoy a familiar routine and therefore each session follows a similar pattern. Upon arrival the children settle straight into play, choosing activities that suit their interests. Practitioners encourage and support children with their choice of activities which is made up of child initiated and adult led activities indoors and outside. Children are encouraged to tidy up towards the end of the session before group time which consists of singing, letters and sounds activities, stories & show and tell to encourage communication and language. We do seasonally themed activities and crafts as well as having group outings and external visitors.

Our fees are reviewed every January on an annual basis. The fees were reviewed for January 2022 and these can be seen below. For more information please email Angela Writer, the Manager, at or telephone 01580 850407 for more information.

Our new fee structure for February 2024

Under 3 Year Olds

£7.70 per hour One 3 Hour Session is £23.10 Lunch Session will be £7.70

Over 3 Year Olds

£7.40 per hour One 3 Hour Session is £22.20 Lunch Session will be £7.40

Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs are £4.65 for the session. These sessions and the Lunch Hours are not government funded. Please ask for details.

Breakfast Club 

Our Breakfast Club, which runs from 8 am to 8.30 am, is in part to help those parents and carers who need a slightly earlier drop off and who possibly have older children at the primary school who they already drop off to an earlier breakfast club. The fee includes a healthy breakfast of cereal, toast and fruit. Breakfast club enables the children to have a great start to the day, perhaps sharing a story or two with their friends before the morning session begins. Please contact Angela on if you are interested in your child coming along.

After School Club

The After School Club runs from 3.30-4.00 and allows the children to continue their play at the end of the day or maybe just to burn off that extra bit of energy before heading home. See our new Breakfast Club and After School Club Policy for details.

Mealtimes and snacks

Snack time is available mid morning which children are encouraged to take part in if they wish. Snack consists of milk or water to drink and healthy food such as fruit, bread, cheese and crackers. During meal and snack times the children are encouraged to take turns, share and remember manners. This is an important part of their personal, social and emotional development.

Lunchtime takes place between 11.30-12.30, Parents/Carers should provide children with a packed lunch, and ensure that it is clearly labelled.

Hot meals can be arranged, but must be booked in advance. They are provided by the Primary School kitchens and are nutritionally balanced to provide a warm and nurturing meal for the children. They do incur an additional charge, please talk to Angela for more details.


Fees are payable monthly in advance by cash, cheque or online. Our expenses are fixed so the fees are payable on sessions booked and not those attended. Therefore, please note that if your child is absent for any reason the fee is still required to be paid. 

Where eligible, we are able to support the Governments ‘Free for 2’ scheme, the ‘Early Years Free Entitlement’ and the ‘Early Years Pupil Premium’. Please contact us for more information or go to to check if you may be eligible.